Monday, July 30, 2012

Baby Dean is 4 months old!

Dean turned 4 months last Friday and I can't believe how fast time has gone! I took him to the doctor today and here are the stats:
Length: 25 1/2 inches (70%)
Weight: 15 lbs 11 oz (70%)
Head: 42.7 cm (60%)
Our baby is pretty proportional. :) He got shots today and I usually get a little choked up but today I didn't because HE didn't! He cried for literally 5 seconds and as soon as he saw me he was beaming again.
Here are some things about Dean. (click here to compare him to Brennen at 4 months!)
  • He reaches out to grab toys (isn't always successful but can hold onto them really well once he has them) and sometimes switches hands.
  • He likes me to read him stories. He reaches out and grabs the book and his eyes go to the pictures I point to. He's very alert.
  • He rolls from back to belly like crazy! I can't keep him on his back anymore. It's funny to me because he doesn't really like being on his belly and once he gets there he can't figure out how to roll back.
  • This baby is SOOOO happy! I can't even describe it to you. He smiles ALL the time (even when he cries) and laughs at everything, especially Brennen.
  • He still wakes up once a night no matter what time he goes to bed. I don't mind, though, because it only takes him 15-20 minutes to eat then he crashes again. He's in bed about 9 and up between 2-4 then up for good around 7:30. Then he takes really good naps, usually two a day, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon.
  • We sometimes still swaddle him at night but it doesn't do any good because he's always completely busted out by the time he wakes in the night.
  • He is breastfed only and eats every 3-4 hours. We left him with Gwen for several hours last week and didn't think that he might not like drinking a bottle... she ended up dipping the nipple in sugar to get him to drink it! Fine with me! :)
  • He is a mover! He pushes himself around in circles and up and down. He can move across the room only on his back.
  • He doesn't really talk much at all. It's kind of weird because Brennen always babbled from a very young age. But Dean is already loving to spit and blow bubbles.
  • He's going to keep his blue eyes! They are very blue and the doctor says that's the way they'll stay. That makes me happy because they are beautiful eyes!
We all just LOVE our chubby baby Dean so much! Here are a few pictures of him at 4 months. I only have like one picture where he's NOT smiling. :)

1 comment:

Mike and Marianne Grant said...

He looks so much like Matthew! Just a cutie!