I've had some requests to share the story of his birth but it really wasn't anything too exciting. The doctors thought he was measuing too small so we scheduled an induction on the day before my due date. We got to the hospital at 7:30 and they checked me out and started me on pitocin at about 8:30. Dr. Glode broke my water at sometime around 10 or 10:30 and the contractions started getting really bad at about noon. They checked me at 3:30ish and I was at an 8 and then a half hour later I was at a 9.5 and they FINALLY let me push and Brennen was born at 5:17.
That's all there is to it. I elected not to have an epidural and I didn't even end up getting any IV drugs and it was seriously the hardest thing I have done in my life but easily the most rewarding.
Anyway, I thought I would post a few of my favorite pictures of Brennen.
Our little family (I'm sure we'll get better family pictures soon...)
Three generations
Uncle Brad seems to be amused with his new nephew
Mom and Brennen
Trying to get rid of that pesky jaundice
Kicked himself out of the blanketLaying with his dad (I LOVE this one!)
Just a cutie
So very super duper cute!!!!! I wanna hold him! :)
Congratulations, MEL! He is so cute, I can't believe how dark he is, and his hair. WOW, he is a cutie! I am so happy for you and Matt, I hope that you love him so much. Having babies is such an amazing blessing and there is nothing better in this world ;)
What a Cutie! Congrats to you and I hope mom and baby are both doing well. Good job on the no epidural.
I'm so excited to see you and hold him. Beautiful baby!
How adorable! You look fantastic too! Congrats!
Way to go with an awesome labor, drug free... my goodness!! He is beautiful, love all that dark hair too. Congrats again, hope all is going well and things are coming naturally to you both. I bet he is spoilt with lots of love! Enjoy him, I love the newborn stage, it just goes way too quickly.
You guys! He is beautiful!!! I love the pictures, he make a lovely family even lovelier :)
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