Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dean is One!

Dean turned one last week on the 27th!
We took him to the doctor the next day and here are his stats.

Weight: 22 lbs. 6 oz (about 45%)
Height: 29 inches (25%)
Head: 47.5 cm (about 75%!)

What can I say, I have big headed kids. :)

We had a party for Dean the weekend before his birthday with my family and then another one on his birthday with Matt’s family. Here are a few pictures of that one.

The birthday boy!IMG_3918Cake and presents

Our little familyIMG_3926Eating cake

He’s such an easy going little boy! Still not walking but will stand alone for a long time. He still says the same few words, too. He just smiles and laughs and growls happily all the time.

I was thinking back on the day he was born and I just can’t believe how fast this year went! Our little family has had a ton happen this year (good and bad) but I don’t think any of it tops the birth of our second baby boy!

Here are some comparison pictures just for fun. :)

Dean one day old and one year old.

Brennen’s 1st birthday and Dean’s 1st birthday (yes they’re wearing the same shirt. No I didn’t do it on purpose). :)

Matthew holding a penguin (we think he’s almost 2) and Dean holding a penguin.


Christena said...

Dean is totally a mini Matt! I totally thought that was a picture of Dean at first until I looked at the caption a little closer.

Sarah said...

Not that you ever doubted it, but I thought I would confirm that you have cute kids! I miss you all so much!