Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Work and Exotic Animals

For the first half of the school year I loved my job. I loved teaching music and I never dreaded going to work. It wasn't even that hard waking up at the crack of dawn in order to catch the bus by 6:50. Then as my pregnancy progressed and I realized I wasn't going to come back out I have been counting down the days. Plus the kids have seemed to get more and more lazy as the year goes on and they are driving me crazy!
So I took a sick day yesterday and I dreaded coming to school today but I actually had a lot of fun with the kids and I realized that I actually am going to miss it! I feel like I'm pretty well liked by the students and staff and it seems like I just got started with my "career" so it's sad that I'm leaving. But I can't even tell you how excited and impatient I am to just be at home with my adorable little guy (cause I already know he's going to be adorable, of course)! :)
I am also a big fan of all sorts of animals and lots of them are kinda strange (my favorites are foxes, penguins, and various odd creatures I see on the Planet Earth DVDs). So this afternoon when we had an assembly about the rain forest and I realized there would be animals involved I was pumped! They were just kinda roaming around the gym one at a time while the lady talked about them and it was really entertaining. Here are some pictures of some of the animals we saw but not the actual animals cause I didn't have my camera. I found these online. I seriously feel just like one of the little kids with how excited I get. :)


Blue and gold macaw

A kinkajou. She was really cute!

A ring tail lemur

And last but not least a red tail boa. I actually held this guy!

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