Thursday, August 6, 2015

Seth is 9 months old

Time flies! Again!
My baby is 9 months old. He is seriously the happiest, smiliest, sweetest baby ever. He is so much fun. We were able to see a ton of family at a family reunion this past weekend and the poor little guy was not feeling well at all. It made me sad because no one (especially his grandparents) got to see his true personality. 
He went to the doc yesterday. He is still so skinny but the doctor isn't worried. He just said I could give him whole milk once a day if I want. No doc has ever given that go-ahead before a year. Sweet. He only cried for about 5 seconds after his shots. Brennen cried for longer and kept hugging him. What a sweet brother. 

Here are the stats:
Weight: 17 pounds (9%)
Length: 28 1/2 inches (53%)
Head: 45 cm (48%)

  • He smiles at everything!
  • He LOVES to climb.
  • He chases his brothers everywhere. 
  • He loves being outside. If he's fussy for no apparent reason I just take him outside and it is a quick fix.
  • He decided he no longer wants to nurse. I think it's because he was sick and the bottle was just so much faster. I always have mixed feelings when this time comes.
  • His favorite food is bread. He scarfs it and I have to only give him one little piece at a time or he tries to shove too much into his mouth.
  • I cannot keep him away from the piano. Especially if anyone is playing it. He loves to play it and to push down the pedals.
  • He snuggles into me whenever a stranger talks to him. 
  • He gives the best hugs after he wakes up. 
  • He babbles "da da da da" all the time but is starting to say "mum mum" and I'm getting him to try to say "bite." It sounds like "buh."
  • He has two teeth!
We love our little Seth!

1 comment:

Christena said...

He is so stinking cute! I love his big smiles! That is cute that Brennen was upset for his brother. I saw a picture of Dean as a baby and it looked a lot like Seth.