Saturday, October 25, 2014


After months of doctors telling me to take it easy, that I was at somewhat of a risk to have a premature baby, I'm sitting here at more than 39 weeks with no baby yet! I think I'd be more patient if I would have had the expectation that he'd be full term!

He's tricked me a few times, my sister in law says he's teasing me. I guess so! So many contractions for nothing! I'm actually feeling pretty good still but my burst of energy I had a few weeks ago is GONE. I am so tired all the time! Almost 2 weeks ago I had an ultrasound and he was measuring about 6 lbs 11 oz then! He's probably at least a pound heavier now. I'd say he's ready to greet the world.

We don't really have any name ideas. Nearly all that were on our list have been crossed off. I hope inspiration hits us after he's born!

Now I'm betting that he'll come on November 4th, which is about a week and a half away. Which would be nice in a way because the boys are really excited for Halloween festivities and I don't want them to miss them.

It's really all that's on my mind lately and it's driving me crazy! I try to do things to distract me but it's hard. I'm so ready to have the baby yet scared of labor and nervous about having to drive more than an hour to have him. Matt was gone last Saturday to Gillette for stake conference stuff and he's gone again today, too, helping people load wood in Custer. It really makes the Saturdays drag when he's not here.

I've been feeling a little lonely lately. All of my family except me has been getting together a lot but we're too far away for anyone to come visit. And I miss being able to see Matt's family all the time. I love being home with the boys but I literally have nothing else to do! I'm not involved in anything and my musical talents are just NOT needed here, everything is already taken care of and when I volunteered to help with things I'm turned down.

But I know I'll be plenty busy with a new baby soon and that at least a few people will come visit us to see him. :)

Last Saturday I took the boys out and we did some light hiking. Mostly they just pretended to chop down trees with sticks.

Brennen is pretending to be a mountain lion.

My pregnant shadow. ha!

1 comment:

~April~ said...

You look seriously gorgeous! I'm jealous of your cuteness! Love you seester! :-)