I’m beginning to realize just how destructive negative thinking and speaking can be.
It does no good to complain about things that I cannot change.
It is not good behavior to sit around and dream about what the future could be while complaining about the present. I know that when I do that I am missing important things that are happening right now and I am taking blessings for granted. In short, I am being very ungrateful.
Who does it help if I bash my appearance? Does it really matter if I’m the most beautiful girl in the world? Because I am not. And it doesn’t matter because my husband thinks I am beautiful and I need to be ok with the way I look. It is destructive to myself and those around me when I constantly complain about being “fat and ugly.”
Is it ok for me to dwell on the more unpleasant parts of life instead of being thankful for things that I have? Is it ok for me to (even quietly) indulge in self pity? Is it ok for me to break an important commandment (thou shalt not covet) and compare the things that others have to things that I want to have? None of these things are ok. There is no place for that kind of behavior.
Does it set a good example for my children if I call myself stupid or a failure whenever I make mistakes? Especially things that don’t really matter, like messing up dinner or spilling half a bag of rice. Does that make me stupid? No. But my children will think that it is ok to talk about themselves (and others) that way. They may also think that they are stupid whenever they make a mistake.
Is it right for my children to hear me say that I’m a bad mother whenever I get discouraged? Absolutely not. It’s not even ok for me to think it. I saw something on pinterest the other day that said “Bad moments do not make bad mothers” and I really liked that. Everyone makes mistakes. I have to remind myself that I am still learning and that I’m doing the best that I can. I know for certain the my kids love me and I know that I am doing my best to teach them the gospel and make a good home environment for them to live in. Negative attitudes do not make good environments.
And I’m not bashing on myself right now. :) I’m just making a very firm goal to get rid of the negativity. I made this goal several days ago and I already feel like a much happier person. I’m not saying I won’t relapse or have bad days but I really think that I can make it a habit to be positive instead.
No post is quite complete without pictures so here are some things to think positively about. :)
Piano playing and cute Dean sleeping on his dad.
The boys liked this rose Matt got me for V-Day.
Me and Brennen baking V-Day cookies.
Dean in the dryer and on the playground.
Cute boys. :)
My 28th birthday. It seems like the older I get the faster time goes by!